Saturday, November 3, 2007

Why 3 Pages

I recently finished Phillip Pullman's excellent trilogy "His Dark Materials". As is my wont, I then researched further, finding that the first in the series is coming to the big screen in December, and that he has a very nice website. In his FAQ and in several interviews he speaks about the fact that every day he sits down and writes out three pages, longhand, on lined paper with two holes on the side.
I liked that. My love of reading started early; I taught myself to read as a four-year-old in a Montessori Kindergarten, and since then I have fantasized about writing a wonderful book, something that would be as informative or spellbinding as "The Wizard of OZ" or "Heidi" or "The Weirdstone of Brisingamen". I struggled with disgraphia as a child, and that discouraged me somewhat; I also suffered from the 'gifted child's handicap' of most things coming easily, and therefore I simply avoided the rest.

So I decided that it was time for me to stop fantasizing, time for the rubber to meet the road. I touch type now, fast enough to catch most thoughts, and though I think I'll weasel out of an actual 3 pages a day (and none on weekends and holidays...), I think I can commit to writing 'something' every day. I don't promise it will all be published here, but I will try and keep a record of how it is going, and when I think I have something ready to be published I will do it here.

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