Sunday, November 4, 2007

To Be or Not To Be... Publicly

A lot of what I have to write about is personal. Some of it very personal. A good deal of it concerns not only myself but others as well. So I have a fear of offending, embarrassing, or exploiting others by writing about them. I am thinking about the best guidelines for deciding what stays on my hard disk and what goes on the blog.

Simply anonymizing the material is not good enough, since the likelihood is that sooner or later someone will figure out who I am (and I didn’t really try to hide it).

“That which is hateful to you…”; I am not sure this is sufficient, since what I don’t find embarrassing others may find very embarrassing.

Review and Approval? I don’t really want to give someone else the power to ok my work.

So, I am still thinking about this. Anyone have any comments?

1 comment:

Ilana said...

I struggle a bit with the same issues. For me I try to have it come down to a combination of common sense and Shmirat Halashon (guarding one's speech) guidelines. Whatever my purpose is in having a blog, I don't believe that that purpose takes priority over maintaining my relationships and being sensitive to others' feelings.

Also, you don't have to give anyone the power to ok your work, but you could run sensitive posts by a trusted friend to get his opinion.