Sunday, February 17, 2008

Getting lost ללכת לאיבוד

אני תמיד הולך לאיבוד במוזיאונים ובספרי שירה
מלים שאינני מבין, חפצים שאינני מזהה, ציורים שאין בהם תמונה
התקמצנתי לשלם על מדריך צמוד או אפילו מוקלט
אלך לי אל חנות המוזיאון או אל סידור התפילה
אקח לי משהו שיש לו תג מחיר, או לפחות מנגינה

I am a bit ambivalent about poetry, that is to some extent what this one is about.
A lot of poetry leaves me unmoved, or at least uncomprehending.
But I still occasionally look through poetry books, or at the literature page in the newspaper.
Sometimes there is one that touches my soul, which seemed similar to my experience in museums, where I am usually overstimulated by too many things to see, and if I don't focus on one or two exhibits, end up with nothing but a headache for my troubles.
I wrote this one getting ready to give a d'var torah, it wrote itself during my long walk to work. The words just came into mind, I did very little editing on it afterwards. I did consider adding another line to rhyme with the one about the guide, since the rest of the poem rhymes, but after consulting with my brother decided it works just fine the way it is.

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